I do have to give a warning that most of these Action Films contain graphic nudity and violence. These films have a very uncomfortable tone and can make you feel quite unwell. In particular the film 16/67 20. SEPTEMBER, which Id recommend avoiding if you are grossed out by bodily fluids and human excrement.

The Viennese Actionism movement had a strong connection to experimental cinema during its exsistence, In particular with director Kurt Kren who started making action films in 1964. Kren worked alongside Günter Brus and Otto Mühl mostly in the making of these experimental shorts.
I have watched 27 (out of 48) of Kurt Krens movies as of now, which is 56% of his entire discography. This has given me a good understanding of the foundations of Action movies, and Krens other work during/after the Viennese Actionism period. All of these films have no sound whatsoever. Most of these works were shot using 16mm film, which typically does not use sound.
Below are Krens Action Films that I have viewed, these films were created alongside Viennese Actionists Günter Brus and Otto Mühl primarily.
6/64 MAMA UND PAPA 3:57 MIN, – 6/64 Mum And Dad
7/64 LEDA MIT DEM SCHWAN 2:56 MIN, – 7/64 Leda and the Swan
8/64 ANA 2:40 MIN,
9/64 O TANNENBAUM 2:56 MIN, – 9/60 O Christmas Tree
10/65 SELBSTVERSTÜMMELUNG 5:19 MIN, – 10/65 Self Mutilation
10B/65 SILBER AKTION BRUS 2:34 MIN, – 10B/65 Silver Action Brus
10C/65 BRUS WÜNSCHT EUCH SEINE WEIHNACHTEN 2:56 MIN, – 10C/65 Brus wishes his Christmas on you.
13/67 SINUS BETA 5:58 MIN,
16/67 20. SEPTEMBER 6:53 MIN
Brus and Mühl‘s collaboration with Kren has led to one of the most popular ways to experience the Viennese Actionism movement, as they have all been preserved and can be found online relatively easily. Most of these films contain the trademark nudity, violence, and chaos that the movement was known for, this is mixed with Krens signature choppy, disorientating and fast editing that makes these films very polarising and disorientating to watch.
Below are Krens Structural Films that I have viewed
1/57 Versuch Mit Synthetischem Ton (Test) (1/57 Experiment With Synthetic Sound (Test)) 1:23 min ,
2/60 48 Köpfe Aus Dem Szondi-Test (2/60 48 Heads From The Szondi-Test) 4:19 min,
3/60 Bäume Im Herbst (3/60 Trees In Autumn) 5:03 min,
4/61 Mauern Pos.-Neg. Und Weg (4/61 Walls Pos.-Neg. And Way) 6:09 min,
5/62 Fenstergucker, Abfall Etc. (5/62 People Looking Out Of The Window, Trash Etc.) 4:48 min,
11/65 Bild Helga Philipp (11/65 Helga Philipp Painting) 2:29 min,
15/67 Tv 4:08 min,
17/68 Grün-Rot (17/68 Green-Red) 2:56 min,
20/68 Schatzi 2:29 min,
28/73 Zeitaufnahme(N) (28/73 Time Exposure(S)) 2:56 min,
31/75 Asyl (31/75 Asylum) 8:26 min,
32/76 An W+B (32/76 To W+B) 7:42 min,
36/78 Rischart 3:02 min,
37/78 Tree Again 3:46 min,
38/79 Sentimental Punk 4:30 min,
49/95 Tausendjahrekino (49/95 Thousandyearsofcinema) 2:40 min